UNFCCC Consolidated methodologies
Sorted by tier
Code | Tier | Short name | Description |
ACM0001 | 1 | Flaring/landfill gas | Flaring or use of landfill gas |
ACM0002 | 1 | Grid-renewable electr. | Grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources |
ACM0003 | 1 | Cement subst.fossil.fuel | Partial substitution of fossil fuels in cement or quicklime manufacture |
ACM0005 | 1 | Cement increase blend | Increasing the blend in cement production |
ACM0006 | 1 | Biomass electr.heat.gen. | Electricity and heat generation from biomass |
ACM0007 | 1 | Single to comb.conversn. | Conversion from single cycle to combined cycle power generation |
ACM0008 | 1 | Methane abatement | Abatement of methane from coal mines |
ACM0009 | 1 | Coal>petrol/nat.gas | Fuel switching from coal or petroleum fuel to natural gas |
ACM0010 | 1 | GHG manure reduction | GHG emission reductions from manure management systems |
ACM0011 | 1 | Coal>petrol/gas existng. | Fuel switching from coal and/or petroleum fuels to natural gas in existing power plants for electricity generation |
ACM0012 | 1 | Waste energy recovery | Waste energy recovery |
ACM0013 | 1 | New fuel - less GHG | Construction and operation of new grid connected fossil fuel fired power plants using a less GHG intensive technology |
ACM0014 | 1 | Wastewater treatment | Treatment of wastewater |
ACM0015 | 1 | Clinker emission redctn. | Emission reductions from raw material switch in clinker production |
ACM0016 | 1 | Mass rapid transit | Mass Rapid Transit Projects |
ACM0017 | 1 | Biofuel production | Production of biofuel |
ACM0018 | 1 | Biomss.elec.gen.pwr.only | Electricity generation from biomass in power-only plants |
ACM0019 | 1 | N20 Abatement | N2O abatement from nitric acid production |
ACM0020 | 1 | Biomass co-firing | Co-firing of biomass residues for heat generation and/or electricity generation in grid connected power plants |
ACM0021 | 1 | Charcoal emission red. | Reduction of emissions from charcoal production by improved kiln design and/or abatement of methane |
ACM0022 | 1 | Alternative waste treat. | Alternative waste treatment processes |
ACM0023 | 1 | Boiler efficiency impr. | Introduction of an efficiency improvement technology in a boiler |
ACM0024 | 1 | Anaerobic organic digst. | Natural gas substitution by biogenic methane produced from the anaerobic digestion of organic waste |
ACM0025 | 1 | New nat.gas plant const. | Construction of a new natural gas power plant |
ACM0026 | 1 | Fossil based cogeneratn. | Fossil fuel based cogeneration for identified recipient facility(ies) |
ARCM0003 | 1 | A-R non wetlands | Afforestation/reforestation of lands other than wetlands. |
ARM0014 | 1 | A-R degraded mangroves | Afforestation/reforestation of degraded mangrove habitats. |
ARMS0003 | 1 | A-R AR of wetlands (SS) | Afforestation/reforestation of wetlands |
ARMS0007 | 1 | A-R AR of non wetls (SS) | Afforestation/reforestation of lands other than wetlands. |
UNCL | 1 | Unclassified | Unclassified |