UNFCCC Consolidated methodologies

Sorted by tier

CodeTierShort nameDescription
ACM0001 1Flaring/landfill gasFlaring or use of landfill gas
ACM0002 1Grid-renewable electr.Grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources
ACM0003 1Cement subst.fossil.fuelPartial substitution of fossil fuels in cement or quicklime manufacture
ACM0005 1Cement increase blendIncreasing the blend in cement production
ACM0006 1Biomass electr.heat.gen.Electricity and heat generation from biomass
ACM0007 1Single to comb.conversn.Conversion from single cycle to combined cycle power generation
ACM0008 1Methane abatementAbatement of methane from coal mines
ACM0009 1Coal>petrol/nat.gasFuel switching from coal or petroleum fuel to natural gas
ACM0010 1GHG manure reductionGHG emission reductions from manure management systems
ACM0011 1Coal>petrol/gas existng.Fuel switching from coal and/or petroleum fuels to natural gas in existing power plants for electricity generation
ACM0012 1Waste energy recoveryWaste energy recovery
ACM0013 1New fuel - less GHGConstruction and operation of new grid connected fossil fuel fired power plants using a less GHG intensive technology
ACM0014 1Wastewater treatmentTreatment of wastewater
ACM0015 1Clinker emission redctn.Emission reductions from raw material switch in clinker production
ACM0016 1Mass rapid transitMass Rapid Transit Projects
ACM0017 1Biofuel productionProduction of biofuel
ACM0018 1Biomss.elec.gen.pwr.onlyElectricity generation from biomass in power-only plants
ACM0019 1N20 AbatementN2O abatement from nitric acid production
ACM0020 1Biomass co-firingCo-firing of biomass residues for heat generation and/or electricity generation in grid connected power plants
ACM0021 1Charcoal emission red.Reduction of emissions from charcoal production by improved kiln design and/or abatement of methane
ACM0022 1Alternative waste treat.Alternative waste treatment processes
ACM0023 1Boiler efficiency impr.Introduction of an efficiency improvement technology in a boiler
ACM0024 1Anaerobic organic digst.Natural gas substitution by biogenic methane produced from the anaerobic digestion of organic waste
ACM0025 1New nat.gas plant const.Construction of a new natural gas power plant
ACM0026 1Fossil based cogeneratn.Fossil fuel based cogeneration for identified recipient facility(ies)
ARCM00031A-R non wetlandsAfforestation/reforestation of lands other than wetlands.
ARM0014 1A-R degraded mangrovesAfforestation/reforestation of degraded mangrove habitats.
ARMS00031A-R AR of wetlands (SS)Afforestation/reforestation of wetlands
ARMS00071A-R AR of non wetls (SS)Afforestation/reforestation of lands other than wetlands.
UNCL 1UnclassifiedUnclassified