Assidium methodology breakdown

Sorted by tier

CodeTierShort nameDescription
01 1AgricultureAgriculture
0101 2Bundled compost prodBundled compost production and soil application
0102 2Comp. addn to rangelandCompost addition to rangeland
0103 2Feed additivesFeed additives
0104 2Improved irrigationImproved irrigation management
0105 2Manure methane digestrManure methane digester
0106 2Nitrogen managementNitrogen management
0107 2Rice emission reductnsRice emission reductions
0108 2Solid waste separationSolid waste separation
0109 2Sust. agricultureSustainable agriculture
0110 2Carbon mineralisationCarbon mineralisation
02 1Carbon capture & stor.Carbon capture & storage
0201 2Carb. capt. & enhanc.oilCarbon capture & enhanced oil recovery
0202 2Carb. capt. in cementCarbon capture in cement
0203 2Carb. capt. in plasticCarbon capture in plastic
03 1Chemical processesChemical processes
0301 2N2O destr: adipic acidN2O destruction in adipic acid production
0302 2N2O destr: nitric acidN2O destruction in nitric acid production
0303 2Propylene oxide prodnPropylene oxide production
0304 2SF6 replacementSF6 replacement
0305 2Refrigerant-related*Refrigerant-related project types*
0306 2Advanced refrigerantsAdvanced refrigerants
0307 2HFC refrig. reclamationHFC refrigerant reclamation
0308 2HFC replacement in foamHFC replacement in foam production
0309 2HFC23 destructionHFC23 destruction
0310 2Ozone depleting subsOzone depleting substances recovery & destruction
0311 2Refrig. leak detectionRefrigerant leak detection
04 1Forestry & land useForestry & land use
0401 2Afforest/ReforestationAfforestation/Reforestation
0402 2Avoid. forest conversnAvoided forest conversion
0403 2Avoid. grassland conversAvoided grassland conversion
0404 2Improved forest manage.Improved forest management
0405 2REDD+REDD+(Reducing emissions from deforestation & forest degredation)
0406 2REDD+JurisdictionalREDD+Jurisdictional
0407 2Sust. grassland managSustainable grassland management
0408 2Wetland restorationWetland restoration
0409 2GULFFGeologically underground locked fossil fuel
05 1Household & communityHousehold & community
0501 2BiodigestersBiodigesters
0502 2Bundled energy efficiencBundled energy efficiency
0503 2Clean waterClean water
0504 2Community boreholesCommunity boreholes
0505 2CookstovesCookstoves
0506 2LightingLighting
0507 2WeatherizationWeatherization
06 1Industr & commercialIndustrial & commercial
0601 2Aluminum smeltersAluminum smelters emission reductions
0602 2Brick manufact.Brick manufacturing emission reductions
0603 2Carb-absorbing concreteCarbon-absorbing concrete
0604 2Energy efficiencyEnergy efficiency
0605 2Fuel switchingFuel switching
0606 2Grid expansn & mini-gridGrid expansion & mini-grids
0607 2Leak detect & rep:GasLeak detection & repair in gas systems
0608 2Mine methane captureMine methane capture
0609 2Nat. gas electricity genNatural gas electricity generation
0610 2Oil recyclingOil recycling
0611 2Pneumatic retrofitPneumatic retrofit
0612 2Uni. campusUniversity campus emission reductions
0613 2Waste gas recoveryWaste gas recovery
0614 2Waste heat recoveryWaste heat recovery
0615 2Lwr Carb Cement & ConcrLower Carbon Cement and Concrete
0616 2Plugging Oil & Gas WellsPlugging Oil & Gas Wells
07 1Renewable energyRenewable energy
0701 2BiomassBiomass
0702 2GeothermalGeothermal
0703 2HydropowerHydropower
0704 2RE BundledRE Bundled
0705 2Solar - centralizedSolar - centralized
0706 2Solar - distributedSolar - distributed
0707 2Solar lightingSolar lighting
0708 2Solar water heatersSolar water heaters
0709 2WindWind
08 1TransportationTransportation
0801 2BicyclesBicycles
0802 2EV & chargingElectric vehicles & charging
0803 2Fleet efficiencyFleet efficiency
0804 2Fuel transportFuel transport
0805 2Mass transitMass transit
0806 2ShippingShipping
0807 2Truck stop electrificatnTruck stop electrification
09 1Waste managementWaste management
0901 2CompostingComposting
0902 2Landfill methaneLandfill methane
0903 2Meth recov in wastewaterMethane recovery in wastewater
0904 2Waste diversionWaste diversion
0905 2Waste incinerationWaste incineration
0906 2Waste recyclingWaste recycling
0907 2BiocharBiochar
0908 2Waste ReductionWaste Reduction
10 1CompositeComposite credits
UNCL 2UnclassifiedUnclassified