Assidium methodology breakdown
Sorted by tier
Code | Tier | Short name | Description |
01 | 1 | Agriculture | Agriculture |
0101 | 2 | Bundled compost prod | Bundled compost production and soil application |
0102 | 2 | Comp. addn to rangeland | Compost addition to rangeland |
0103 | 2 | Feed additives | Feed additives |
0104 | 2 | Improved irrigation | Improved irrigation management |
0105 | 2 | Manure methane digestr | Manure methane digester |
0106 | 2 | Nitrogen management | Nitrogen management |
0107 | 2 | Rice emission reductns | Rice emission reductions |
0108 | 2 | Solid waste separation | Solid waste separation |
0109 | 2 | Sust. agriculture | Sustainable agriculture |
0110 | 2 | Carbon mineralisation | Carbon mineralisation |
02 | 1 | Carbon capture & stor. | Carbon capture & storage |
0201 | 2 | Carb. capt. & enhanc.oil | Carbon capture & enhanced oil recovery |
0202 | 2 | Carb. capt. in cement | Carbon capture in cement |
0203 | 2 | Carb. capt. in plastic | Carbon capture in plastic |
03 | 1 | Chemical processes | Chemical processes |
0301 | 2 | N2O destr: adipic acid | N2O destruction in adipic acid production |
0302 | 2 | N2O destr: nitric acid | N2O destruction in nitric acid production |
0303 | 2 | Propylene oxide prodn | Propylene oxide production |
0304 | 2 | SF6 replacement | SF6 replacement |
0305 | 2 | Refrigerant-related | *Refrigerant-related project types* |
0306 | 2 | Advanced refrigerants | Advanced refrigerants |
0307 | 2 | HFC refrig. reclamation | HFC refrigerant reclamation |
0308 | 2 | HFC replacement in foam | HFC replacement in foam production |
0309 | 2 | HFC23 destruction | HFC23 destruction |
0310 | 2 | Ozone depleting subs | Ozone depleting substances recovery & destruction |
0311 | 2 | Refrig. leak detection | Refrigerant leak detection |
04 | 1 | Forestry & land use | Forestry & land use |
0401 | 2 | Afforest/Reforestation | Afforestation/Reforestation |
0402 | 2 | Avoid. forest conversn | Avoided forest conversion |
0403 | 2 | Avoid. grassland convers | Avoided grassland conversion |
0404 | 2 | Improved forest manage. | Improved forest management |
0405 | 2 | REDD+ | REDD+(Reducing emissions from deforestation & forest degredation) |
0406 | 2 | REDD+Jurisdictional | REDD+Jurisdictional |
0407 | 2 | Sust. grassland manag | Sustainable grassland management |
0408 | 2 | Wetland restoration | Wetland restoration |
0409 | 2 | GULFF | Geologically underground locked fossil fuel |
05 | 1 | Household & community | Household & community |
0501 | 2 | Biodigesters | Biodigesters |
0502 | 2 | Bundled energy efficienc | Bundled energy efficiency |
0503 | 2 | Clean water | Clean water |
0504 | 2 | Community boreholes | Community boreholes |
0505 | 2 | Cookstoves | Cookstoves |
0506 | 2 | Lighting | Lighting |
0507 | 2 | Weatherization | Weatherization |
06 | 1 | Industr & commercial | Industrial & commercial |
0601 | 2 | Aluminum smelters | Aluminum smelters emission reductions |
0602 | 2 | Brick manufact. | Brick manufacturing emission reductions |
0603 | 2 | Carb-absorbing concrete | Carbon-absorbing concrete |
0604 | 2 | Energy efficiency | Energy efficiency |
0605 | 2 | Fuel switching | Fuel switching |
0606 | 2 | Grid expansn & mini-grid | Grid expansion & mini-grids |
0607 | 2 | Leak detect & rep:Gas | Leak detection & repair in gas systems |
0608 | 2 | Mine methane capture | Mine methane capture |
0609 | 2 | Nat. gas electricity gen | Natural gas electricity generation |
0610 | 2 | Oil recycling | Oil recycling |
0611 | 2 | Pneumatic retrofit | Pneumatic retrofit |
0612 | 2 | Uni. campus | University campus emission reductions |
0613 | 2 | Waste gas recovery | Waste gas recovery |
0614 | 2 | Waste heat recovery | Waste heat recovery |
0615 | 2 | Lwr Carb Cement & Concr | Lower Carbon Cement and Concrete |
0616 | 2 | Plugging Oil & Gas Wells | Plugging Oil & Gas Wells |
07 | 1 | Renewable energy | Renewable energy |
0701 | 2 | Biomass | Biomass |
0702 | 2 | Geothermal | Geothermal |
0703 | 2 | Hydropower | Hydropower |
0704 | 2 | RE Bundled | RE Bundled |
0705 | 2 | Solar - centralized | Solar - centralized |
0706 | 2 | Solar - distributed | Solar - distributed |
0707 | 2 | Solar lighting | Solar lighting |
0708 | 2 | Solar water heaters | Solar water heaters |
0709 | 2 | Wind | Wind |
08 | 1 | Transportation | Transportation |
0801 | 2 | Bicycles | Bicycles |
0802 | 2 | EV & charging | Electric vehicles & charging |
0803 | 2 | Fleet efficiency | Fleet efficiency |
0804 | 2 | Fuel transport | Fuel transport |
0805 | 2 | Mass transit | Mass transit |
0806 | 2 | Shipping | Shipping |
0807 | 2 | Truck stop electrificatn | Truck stop electrification |
09 | 1 | Waste management | Waste management |
0901 | 2 | Composting | Composting |
0902 | 2 | Landfill methane | Landfill methane |
0903 | 2 | Meth recov in wastewater | Methane recovery in wastewater |
0904 | 2 | Waste diversion | Waste diversion |
0905 | 2 | Waste incineration | Waste incineration |
0906 | 2 | Waste recycling | Waste recycling |
0907 | 2 | Biochar | Biochar |
0908 | 2 | Waste Reduction | Waste Reduction |
10 | 1 | Composite | Composite credits |
UNCL | 2 | Unclassified | Unclassified |